Helping the Helpless

For my 20% project, a project to make the world a little bit better, my and my group have decided to host a dog fashion show in order to raise money for pets in shelters.

For this project I am feeling over whelmed, stressed and excited. My group and I have lots to do and a short time to get them done.  We have to find a revenue that will host us, sponsors and also dogs to walk in the show. I’m also getting stressed with the fear that we will not make expectations by our due date. We are planning to have the show in late March (may change later) and we still have to get accomplish VERY important details. But in contrast to all of that, I’m still very excited about the show it’s self and I’m happy that the proceeds will be given to animals in the shelter. While there may be a lot to do, I’m still excited to see what will happen by the end of this project!

Now that I’ve told you what I’m feeling considering this project I’d like to tell you about the major deadlines in November. I have to get some things done mainly ask my school if they will let us use the gym for the show. This is MAJOR because without a location we cannot have the show and we wont be able to raise money to “help the helpless”. The other main detail is finding dogs who can walk in the show, they have to be trained and friendly to other animals and people. These deadlines are all due in November. So wish me and my group good luck with this hectic November month!

See my Visual Aide for more information.

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